/ Home / Posters / Posters: Agency and Corporate Strategies / 6. Public/Joint-Stock Companies
[6] Market Joint-Stock Company
This position represents the archetypical market role on which most of the corporate governance literature is centred: a public organization, non-governmental, profit-oriented for the provision of private goods. This is the type of entity most people refer to when they talk about ‘firms’ or ‘corporations’ or the ‘private sector’.
Agency Challenges
- Information asymmetries: How to protect shareholders (owners) against value-destroying managers (fraud, unacceptable risk-taking, mismanagement/moral hazard);
- ‘Agency costs’ relating to the costs of monitoring (checks and balances on information asymmetries), bonding costs (keeping managers aligned and accountable through contracts, profit-sharing and performance-related pay) and other residual costs;
- Internal control mechanisms: Decision-making and representation structures/corporate governance;
- External control mechanisms: public financial statements and accountancy control.
Typical Strengths
- Relatively easy access to risk-bearing capital;
- Mitigation of risk due to limited liability;
- Transferability of shares/ownership;
- No restriction of members;
- Flexibility;
- Efficient production and scaling;
- Creation of (new) markets;
- Competition;
- Innovation (technologies; products; processes; organizational);
- Risk-taking and risk management;
- Generation of surpluses (profits);
- Generation of spill-overs through applied mode of organizing: outsourcing, delegating, cooperating with suppliers.
Typical Weaknesses
- Short-term orientation (profit driven);
- Market concentration / monopoly surpluses / collusion / insider trading;
- Fickle societal license to operate (trust; reputation);
- Too big or too diversified to create value;
- Too much risk-taking: high risk = high wins or high 'penalty';
- Deficient capacity to internalize external costs;
- Global free trade excesses: ‘race to the bottom’, ‘footloose capital’, tax evasion and manipulation; natural resource exploitation;
- Abuse of information asymmetries and market power (e.g. misuse of patents on medicine, seeds).